
Fearless and uncensored privacy insights

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220 Articles
Timer7 minutes read

How the Government Hacks You, Final Chapter: IoT Hacks

Chapter 14: IoT Hacks

Will R
6 months ago
Timer9 minutes read

How the Government Hacks You, Chapter 13: GPS Tracking

Dive into the unsettling world of government-controlled GPS tracking!

Will R
6 months ago
Timer7 minutes read

How the Government Hacks You, Chapter 12: Garbage Day

Trash Talk: How your garbage can be exploited by hackers, law enforcement, and government agencies

Will R
7 months ago
Timer8 minutes read

How the Government Hacks You, Chapter 11: Resonance Attacks

It’s time to uncover how government surveillance gets personal.

Will R
7 months ago
Page 1 of 55
Timer3 minutes read

Browser Fingerprinting: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Lifting the lid on the internet's most invasive tracking method: Browser fingerprinting.

Ruby M
7 months ago
Timer11 minutes read

How the Government Hacks You, Chapter 10: Rowhammer

The silent menace shaking the core of IT security

Will R
7 months ago
Timer6 minutes read

Compare Private Search Engines: DuckDuckGo vs. Startpage

DuckDuckGo vs. Startpage: Which search engine reigns supreme for your online privacy?

Ruby M
7 months ago
Timer6 minutes read

How the Government Hacks You, Chapter 9: Laser Listening Systems

Forget the tin foil hat myths, discover the very real and growing threat to your privacy: Laser Listening Systems

Will R
7 months ago
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Want Browser Fingerprinting Spoofing? Forget VPNs

Think VPNs give you online anonymity? Think again.

Ruby M
8 months ago
Timer12 minutes read

How the Government Hacks You, Chapter 8: Satellites

Find out how governments are using satellites to spy on their own citizens.

Will R
8 months ago
Timer3 minutes read

Unveiling Canvas Fingerprinting: The Invisible Tracker Hiding In Plain Sight

Explore how your device's unique 'canvas fingerprint' is shaping the internet you see and how you can take back your privacy.

Ruby M
8 months ago
Timer13 minutes read

How the Government Hacks You, Chapter 7: Warrantless Wiretapping

Discover the various ways that countries all over the world spy on citizens without any specific mandate.

Will R
8 months ago
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What is Web Scraping and What Does it Mean for Privacy?

Ever wondered how your data gets harvested online? We unmask the world of web scraping.

Ruby M
8 months ago
Timer7 minutes read

How the Government Hacks You, Chapter 6: Government Botnets

Hackers aren't the only ones who use botnets...

Will R
8 months ago
Timer5 minutes read

How Marketers Use Device Fingerprinting To Target You

The Marketer's Hidden Weapon: How device fingerprinting knows you better than you might think...

Ruby M
8 months ago
Timer4 minutes read

How the Government Hacks You: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: A history lesson and future look at how the government is destroying encryption.

Will R
8 months ago
Page 4 of 55

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