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November 20, 2023
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How to Safeguard Your Privacy on Social Media

Facebook, Instagram, X (Twitter), TikTok, Snapchat, and LinkedIn... The list of social media apps goes on and on. These platforms have transformed the way we communicate, share, and interact with the world. While they offer numerous benefits, the amount of data they have on users creates a social media privacy nightmare.

Safeguarding your personal and sensitive data online is crucial, especially in an era marked by data breaches and concerns over personal information protection.

In this article, we explore the potential social media privacy pitfalls and provide ten essential tips to help you protect your online privacy.

The Risks to Privacy on Social Media

The first step to protecting your privacy on social media is to recognize the dangers. Here are the main risks to your online privacy:

Data Collection and Profiling

Social media platforms are voracious data collectors. They meticulously record our every click, like, and share. They gather information about our preferences, interests, and even our online behavior.

This data is then used to create detailed user profiles, often without our explicit consent.

This presents numerous risks. The platform itself can exploit this data for targeted advertising, leaving us feeling like our every move is being watched and manipulating people into parting with their cash.

There is also the danger that this information will fall into the wrong hands, whether through data breaches or unethical practices, putting our privacy at risk.

Third-Party Apps

We've all encountered those tempting third-party apps that promise to enhance our social media experience.

However, when we grant them access to our profiles, we open the door to potential misuse of our personal information. These apps can harvest data not only from our social media accounts but also from our friends' profiles, amplifying the potential for misuse.

Location Tracking

Many platforms request access to your location data. While it can enhance user experience, sharing this information can compromise your privacy and safety. Location data can be used to track our movements, routines, and even our home addresses, creating serious security risks.

Phishing Scams

Social media has become a playground for cybercriminals. Phishing scams are rampant, with attackers using fake profiles and messages to trick users into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details.

The unsuspecting fall prey to these schemes, unaware of the grave consequences for their privacy and security. It is especially risky if you re-use your login credentials for other online accounts. It could open you up to identity theft, all sorts of fraud, and account takeovers.


A common but often overlooked risk is the tendency to overshare. People willingly post sensitive information like addresses, phone numbers, and even personal identification documents. This not only invites identity theft but also makes users targets for scams and even online harassment.

How to Protect Your Privacy on Social Media

Protecting your privacy and personal data on social media doesn't have to be a hardship. Here are 10 simple steps to follow:

Review Social Media Privacy Settings

Take a good hard look at your social media privacy settings. These settings can help you define the boundaries to your online identity. Each platform you use will have slightly different settings but it's worth taking the time to familiarize yourself with the privacy options and customize them to your liking.

Where possible, set profiles and accounts to "private" to ensure that only those you trust with your innermost thoughts and memories have access to your personal information.

Be Selective with Friends and Followers

In the grand world of social media, your friend list is the guest list to your own private party. Be as discerning as a curator selecting artworks for a museum exhibition!

Only admit those you have personally encountered in the real world into your inner circle. Trust your instincts and remember, the digital realm is no place for strangers.

By being selective with your friends and followers, you build a fortress around your online presence and your personal data.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Think of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) as a digital bodyguard. It's a simple security feature but it can add an extra layer of protection. 2FA usually requires a secret code, often sent to your phone or email, or uses biometric data such as a fingerprint, to gain access. It helps to shield your social media accounts from unwanted intruders.

Limit Sharing of Personal Information

In the vast landscape of the internet, personal information is like gold dust. Avoid scattering your precious gold carelessly across the digital dunes. Keep your full name, phone number, and address under lock and key. These nuggets of data are to be shared only with people you know and trust. In a world of information predators such as data brokers, discretion is your greatest ally.

Don't Overshare

It's not just the sensitive information to be mindful of. Before posting selfies or vacation snaps, check to see if there is anything personal in the background or if they give anything away about your current location. Details like this could not only be a risk to your online privacy but your personal safety in real life.

Read more: 6 Things You Should Never Share on Social Media

Watch Out for Phishing Attempts

With generative AI like ChatGPT, phishing scams are getting better and more convincing. It pays to be skeptical of any unsolicited comments or private messages you receive on social media. Never click on any links sent to you from strangers or accept friend or contact requests from people you've never met in real life.

Review App Permissions

Regularly inspect the permissions granted to third-party apps and ensure they are trustworthy. Every permission is a kink in the chain-mail protecting your privacy. By reviewing and revoking unnecessary app permissions, you can retain control over your data.

Use Strong, Unique Passwords

This is such a simple one, yet you'd be surprised how many people still use "password" as their password. Or reuse the same password that they had in high school for every single account. Weak passwords can take a hacker a matter of seconds to crack.

Be sure to craft strong, unique passwords for each of your social media accounts. Use a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols, with lower and upper case.

For added security, consider enlisting the help of a password manager. The best password managers usually have a password generator too to help.

Log Out from Shared Devices

Shared devices are like communal spaces; leaving your account open is just like leaving your door wide open. If you forget to "close the door", the next user may be able to see your passwords, read private messages, and see any media you may have sent to your significant other. Log out and close the door!

Educate Yourself

As with anything, knowledge is power. Staying informed about the ever-evolving privacy and security threats lurking on the social media landscape can help you avoid the worst. Make yourself familiar with the Hoody Privacy Hub to know more.

Ruby M
Hoody Editorial Team

Ruby is a full-time writer covering everything from tech innovations to SaaS, Web 3, and blockchain technology. She is now turning her virtual pen to the world of data privacy and online anonymity.


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