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September 4, 2023
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12 Essential Tips for Safeguarding Your Privacy in the Online Dating World

Welcome to the digital age of romance, where true love may be just a swipe away! Online dating has revolutionized the way we meet potential partners, opening up a world of possibilities. However, when exploring the realm of virtual connections, it's important to keep your privacy intact.

In this article, we'll guide you through 12 essential tips to help you navigate the online dating landscape while safeguarding your personal information. Consider us your privacy-conscious cupid. But before we get stuck in, let's look at what we're dealing with...

What personal data do online dating platforms collect?

Online dating platforms require users to provide certain details to create a profile and connect with potential matches. While the specific data collected will vary between platforms, here are some common types of personal information that online dating platforms typically gather:

  • Basic profile information: Name, age, gender, and location data forms the basis of your profile and help match you with potential partners.
  • Email address: Typically required for account registration and communication with the platform.
  • Profile photos: Pictures showcase user's appearance to help potential matches get a visual sense of who they are.
  • Personal interests and preferences: This can include details on hobbies, interests, lifestyle choices, and sexual preferences.
  • Biographical information: Most platforms give space for users to express their personality, share their passions, and give others a glimpse into their lives.
  • Messaging and communication data: When users interact with others on the platform, the platform may collect and store messages, chats, and other communication data.
  • Location Data: Many online dating apps use location services to suggest matches within a certain radius or show users nearby profiles.
  • Usage data and analytics: Online dating platforms may collect data on how users interact with the app or website. This includes information such as login times, browsing behavior, and feature usage. These insights help improve the platform's performance and user experience.

Potential privacy risks of online dating

One of the biggest challenges of online dating is that it inherently involves a level of trust. To establish connections and foster meaningful relationships, individuals need to open up and share personal details. But doing so could expose them to potential risks such as identity theft, romance scams, stalking, sextortion, or harassment.

There is also the potential for phishing attacks and catfishing. Malicious actors may exploit personal information shared on dating platforms to manipulate and deceive users. They can craft elaborate personas, using stolen or fabricated photos and details, leading to emotional distress and even financial scams.

While reputable dating platforms strive to implement robust security measures, no system is entirely safe and there is always the risk of data breaches or leaks.

In 2021, a hacker leaked the personal details of over 2.28 million users from a dating website called The leaked data was available as a free download on a hacking forum and included real names, email addresses, location information, dating preferences, and even hashed passwords.

Then there is the “little” issue of personal data being shared by dating apps with advertisers.

A report by the Norwegian Consumer Council (NCC) in 2020 revealed that popular dating apps such as Tinder, Grindr, and OKCupid were sharing sensitive personal data with advertising companies, potentially violating GDPR.

The study found that the apps were transmitting more personal data than users are aware of or had consented to. Data shared included gender, age, IP address, GPS location, and device information. In some cases, answers to sensitive personal biographical questions regarding drug use, political views, and gender preferences were also shared.

The information was sent to major advertising and behavior analytic platforms owned by companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon.

How to protect privacy while online dating

Despite these risks, it is possible to navigate online dating and keep a firm grip on your privacy. To enjoy the benefits of online dating and minimize the potential privacy pitfalls, follow these 12 simple steps.

Don't register with your social media accounts

A lot of online dating platforms will let you register with your Facebook account. It's convenient as it means you don't have to fill in your details. Instead the app “pulls” the info from your Facebook account. But as well as basic profile details such as your name, age, school, or employment, it may also link all of your interests, photos, and even your friend list.

Some dating apps will also automatically use your Facebook profile picture as your default dating pic. This might not sound like a big deal, but it makes it easier for strangers to find your social media account.

If you don't have your social media account set to private (maybe do that!), they could know a lot about you before you've even said “Hello”.

The other risk of linking accounts is that if your social media account login is ever compromised, then your online dating account will be too.

It's much safer to keep things separate. Register for your dating account manually, and have more control over what you share, who you share it with, and when.

Don't link your Instagram (or other social media accounts)

Again, social media accounts can land you in privacy hot water when it comes to online dating. Many dating apps allow you to connect your Instagram and will show your most recent Insta-pics on your dating profile. The idea is to give potential matches an idea of the real you.

The more social media accounts you link to your dating profile, the better picture they can build of you... But, essentially, what it is doing is letting total strangers peer into your life and opening yourself up to identity theft and social engineering scams.

Depending on what you share on your Instagram, they might be able to determine your daily routine, the places you frequent, and see who you spend time with.

Be selective about the photos you share

Of course, you want to pick photos for your profile that give potential matches an idea of who you are, your personality, or your interests. But as the old adage says, “A picture speaks a thousand words.” So, be careful what and how much they say about you. Photos can reveal more about you than you might think.

Be mindful of what you choose to share on your online dating profile. Avoid including photos of your regular hangouts, your home, where you work, or photos of friends or colleagues.

Check the background of photos before posting to be sure they don't include personal details that could compromise your privacy. For example, if you really want to post that cool photo of you posing next to your car, make sure the license plate isn't in the shot.

Minimize the personal info you put on your profile

Privacy and online dating can often be a catch-22 situation. It requires a delicate balance between sharing enough information to build connections and maintaining personal boundaries.

On the one hand, we want to show our authentic selves, but on the other hand, we don't want to offer up our privacy as a sacrifice.

Some dating apps ask for very little beyond the name, age, gender, and location, others require you to fill in countless questions about your lifestyle and views on everything from politics to religion, and drugs.

Skip whatever isn't mandatory. It might make matching algorithms work harder but these are topics that you can always bring up in conversation later when you get chatting to someone.

Restrict the app's location permissions

Some apps like Tinder or Bumble require your location for geo-targeted matching. These apps might not let you turn off location sharing completely, but you should be able to set the permission to “only while using the app”.

You should always be aware of what the location data is used for and be selective. Only grant access when it is essential for the app's core functionality.

If the dating app provides an option to choose between precise and approximate location, consider opting for the latter. With an approximate location setting, you can still receive potential matches within a reasonable distance while adding an extra layer of privacy.

Keep the conversation within the app at first

You've matched with someone! Now you can start chatting. The temptation might be to move it to your regular messaging apps but slow your roll. Stick to the app's built-in chat, at least for the initial “get to know you” stage. That way you can assess compatibility, gauge someone's intentions, and gradually establish trust before sharing more personal information.

Be cautious if a new match asks to leave the dating app's chat too early. You could be handing over your phone number to a scammer to use in identity theft.

When you are ready to take the conversation off the app, opt for an encrypted chat app that doesn't require sharing your personal phone number, such as Telegram or Discord.

Utilize a pseudonym or nickname

Consider using a pseudonym or a nickname instead of your real name on your online dating profile. You can always tell people your real name once you match and start chatting.

By not publishing your real name on your profile, you reduce the risk of someone stalking you and finding personal information about you online. This ensures that your privacy remains intact until you're ready to disclose more details about yourself. It can also give you some added protection in the case of data breaches.

Use a dedicated email address

Using a dedicated email address for dating apps helps protect your primary email account from potential privacy risks. By separating personal and professional emails, you minimize the chances of unwanted messages, spam, or potential data breaches affecting your primary email account.

If you want to go a step further, then make this dedicated email address with an anonymous email provider, like ProtonMail.

You can sign up for an anonymous email address without revealing any personal information. This preserves your anonymity and reduces the chances of your real identity being linked to your dating app activities.

Take control of the app's settings

Before diving into the online dating pool, review and fine-tune your privacy settings on the platform you choose. Most dating apps offer visibility or discovery settings that determine who can find and see your profile. Take control of these settings to manage your visibility and exposure on the platform. You may have the option to limit your profile's visibility to specific age ranges, distance, or other criteria. Adjust these settings based on your comfort level and privacy preferences.

Beware of phishing attempts and scammers

Stay vigilant against phishing attempts or scams that aim to trick you into revealing personal information. Be cautious of suspicious messages, requests for money, or individuals who seem too good to be true. Report any suspicious activity to the platform's support team and block or ignore the perpetrator.

Delete your profile if you no longer use the app

Whether you've found the love of your life or you've given up, it's a good idea to delete your profile. Don't just uninstall the app, this will only remove the app from your device but your profile and all the info you've shared to it will still be there and visible.

Each online dating app should have its own process for deletion which can usually be done from the Settings menu. If the app doesn't have a deletion option, just edit the profile and add false information. That way even if the profile is still showing, it's not your personal details.

Use privacy tools

Of course, it's not always the people on the dating site that you have to protect your privacy from, but the website itself. Some of the most popular dating apps are free to use (with perhaps some billable services). But as we keep saying, if the service is for free, then you're the product. Online dating sites are no different. They use cookies and share your data with advertisers.

To avoid being tracked as you try to find love online, you can use dedicated privacy tools such as Hoody. The Hoody app, not only hides your IP address but it completely disguises every data point that makes up your unique digital fingerprint. You are therefore impossible to track as an individual.

But just remember, the Hoody app can't save you from yourself... Any personal data you choose to manually share online, either with the website or with a stranger, is on you!

Protect your privacy while online dating

As you embark on your love-finding mission online, don't forget to pack your privacy. By following these 12 simple steps, you can safeguard your personal information while putting yourself out there to connect with potential partners. So go ahead, swipe right with confidence, and may your online dating experience be both exciting and secure!

Maybe you've already got your perfect match and are looking for something to watch on date night. Why not check out our list of Whistleblower Movies Based on True Stories?

Ruby M
Hoody Editorial Team

Ruby is a full-time writer covering everything from tech innovations to SaaS, Web 3, and blockchain technology. She is now turning her virtual pen to the world of data privacy and online anonymity.


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