Change your location
per website & app
Unlike traditional VPNs, your device is not locked to a single location. with Hoody, you can set a different VPN per App, for the entire OS, and for each website you visit.
Unlike traditional VPNs, your device is not locked to a single location. with Hoody, you can set a different VPN per App, for the entire OS, and for each website you visit.
Assign a different VPN location to each app without ever disconnecting.
With Bulletproof Location, Hoody will assign a different random exit IP for each request, for each website.
Unlimited browser instances in different locations, each with its own unique identity and fingerprints.
Change location seamlessly, without loading time or ever disconnecting your other apps and websites.
Thanks to Browsing containers, Hoody provides you different location and set of fingerprints on every visited website. Even Google can no longer correlate your identity and track you. You're fully private and anonymous.
VPNs alone were never intended for privacy; they are also inherently inconvenient as they restrict your entire device's network connection to a single location.
No credit card, no email required