Hoody AI Logo

Every AI, One dashboard, Anonymous.

Meta OpenAI Anthropic ...

Hoody AI is a privacy-focused unified interface for LLMs designed with your anonymity in mind.
Effortlessly access multiple AI models and features while remaining anonymous.

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Try Hoody AI for FREE. No name, no email, no credit card required. Instant and anonymous sign-up with Hoody Key.

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Privacy above all

Your privacy is everything to us. We want to know nothing about you or your prompts. Hoody AI uses advanced encryption methods and anonymize your payments and ensure your data remains yours.

Your Personal Data Stays Yours
Your Personal Data Stays Yours

Anonymous AI usage

AI model (LLM) providers don't know your identity. Your IP and your fingerprints are fully protected by Hoody Network. Absolutely no tracking and no analytics.

Encrypted Private Instance
Encrypted Private Instance

Encrypted Instance

Your prompts are stored in an encrypted container. Hoody AI does not have ability to read or moderate your chats. You can destroy your instance anytime.

Anonymous Payments
Anonymous Payments

Anonymous Payment

Your payment can never be linked to you thanks to Hoody Key and advanced encryption methods, you remain anonymous even when using payment methods such as PayPal.

Tons of awesome features

Talk to multiple models at once, interact with voice, upload images and documents, all designed with privacy in mind.

Unlimited Usage

Virtually Unlimited

Enjoy uninterrupted access to all Hoody AI features. Our fair use policy ensures balanced usage across all users.

Text to Speech and Speech to Text

Text to Speech and Speech to Text

Speak directly to any AI models using your mic and let the AI reply to you by voice.

Unified AI Interface

One Interface

The best AI models (OpenAI, Anthropic, Google, Meta...) through a single, sleek interface designed for ultimate convenience.

Cross-Platform Compatibility


Access Hoody AI across both mobile and desktop devices, controlling all the AI Models through a fully responsive dashboard.

Geolocation Bypass

Geolocation Bypass

Hoody AI bypass geolocation blocking and let users access AI in restricted countries.

Seamless File Upload

File Upload

Upload files directly to Hoody AI and chat about them. Supports images and documents.

All your favorite AI models in one place

Access the best LLMs like Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Llama 3.1 405B or GPT 4o-mini from an intuitive and responsive dashboard designed to protect your privacy.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Strawberry (o1 mini)

Strawberry (o1 mini)

Llama 3.1 405B

Llama 3.1 405B


Hoody AI Mobile NEW


Hoody AI is accessible on any device, and can be installed as a Progressive Web App to have it right from your home screen. Plus, sync your chats across desktop and mobile devices, fully encrypted and anonymous.

  • No Playstore required

  • No Analytics

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Illutsration Illutsration
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Hoody AI



100% anonymous:
no email, no name, no id.

Your unique Hoody Key is a cryptographic secret known only to you. We only store a double-hashed version of it, we have no way to know what a user is doing in our network.

key icon

Anonymous Key


Payments through any gateway, even non-anonymous ones like PayPal, are completely disassociated from your account, providing absolute privacy.

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